ME5895-001: System Identification and Adaptive Control, Special Topics in Advanced Control Systems, Fall 2015
ME5895-001 is a special topic course intended for all levels of graduate students majoring in Controls and Systems. We will cover three important topics in modern control engineering: parameterization of all stabilizing controllers (Youla-Kucera parameterization), system identification, and adaptive control
Instructor: Professor Xu Chen, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut.
- Office: Room 382 United Technologies Engineering Building (UTEB)
- Ph: 860-486-3688
- Email: xchen[AT]uconn[DOT]edu
- Tentative Office Hours: Mon Wed 1pm-2pm
- Lectures: Mon Wed 11:15am-12:30pm, UTEB 150.
- Prerequisites: Undergraduate Course in Linear Systems and Classical Control
- Textbook: Notes will be distributed.
- Tentative Schedule and Selected Lecture Notes:
- Grading: midterm [25%] + homework [25%] + final project [50%]
- References:
- J. Doyle et al. 2008. Feedback Control Theory. NY: Dover Publications.
- System Identification and Adaptive Control:
- Ioan D. Landau et al. 2011. Adaptive Control: Algorithms, Analysis and Applications. Springer
- Digital Control, Signal Processing, and Filter Design:
- Gene F. Franklin, J. David Powell, and Michael Workman. Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, 3rd Edition. Ellis-Kagle Press.
- Oppenheim, Alan V., and Ronald W. Schafer. 2009. Discrete-Time Signal Processing. Prentice Hall.
- Dynamic System:
- Joao P. Hespanha. 2009. Linear Systems Theory, Princeton.
- Friedland, Bernard. 2005. Control System Design: An Introduction to State-Space Methods. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications.
Homework policy:
Homeworks are due in class, before the lecture starts. Late homeworks will not be considered in your final grade. If your homework contains group work, each group member must specify his/her contributions.
- Special Accommodation: Please notify the instructor in writing by the second week of the semester, if you have any potential conflict(s) about the class schedule, or if you need special accommodations such as: disability-related accommodations, emergency medical information you wish to discuss with the instructor, or special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated.